ReALFRED: An Embodied Instruction Following
Benchmark in Photo-Realistic Environments

ECCV 2024

1Seoul National University 2Yonsei University

*Equal Contribution.Corresponding author.

Proposed ReALFRED bechmark


Simulated virtual environments have been widely used to learn robotic agents that perform daily household tasks. These environments encourage research progress by far, but often provide limited object interactability, visual appearance different from real-world environments, or relatively smaller environment sizes. This prevents the learned models in the virtual scenes from being readily deployable. To bridge the gap between these learning environments and deploying (i.e., real) environments, we propose the ReALFRED benchmark that employs real-world scenes, objects, and room layouts to learn agents to complete household tasks by understanding free-form language instructions and interacting with objects in large, multi-room and 3D-captured scenes. Specifically, we extend the ALFRED benchmark with updates for larger environmental spaces with smaller visual domain gaps. With ReALFRED, we analyze previously crafted methods for the ALFRED benchmark and observe that they consistently yield lower performance in all metrics, encouraging the community to develop methods in more realistic environments. Our code and data are publicly available.

The ReALFRED Benchmark

To develop agents capable of performing household tasks, substantial progress has been achieved in various domains, including navigation, rearrangement, and manipulation tasks. In particular, Shridhar et al. recently introduced the ALFRED benchmark that requires agents to complete long-horizon household tasks by jointly understanding egocentric visual observations and natural language instructions in household environments.

However, the spatial size of these environments is somewhat restricted to a single room compared to the size of previously proposed 3D-captured environments consisting of multiple rooms, which could potentially restrict the deployability of agents to larger environments. Furthermore, the environments used in the ALFRED benchmark are built with synthetic CAD assets and therefore could potentially yield visual aesthetics different from those obtained from real-world environments, which could eventually cause performance degradation due to visual domain gaps.

To address these issues, we extend the ALFRED benchmark and propose a challenging benchmark, named the ReALFRED benchmark, which requires agents to perform household tasks in large indoor environments captured in 3D with object interaction. For training and evaluation, we follow the same protocol as ALFRED to collect expert demonstrations in the captured large environments.

While other benchmarks provide one or two aspects, our proposed ReALFRED benchmark addresses all of these aspects.
1. Photo-realistic, 2. Interaction, and 3. Free-from language
Word distribution
The ReALFRED benchmark offers 30,696 language directives, each comprising a human-annotated high-level goal and a set of step-by-step instructions. These directives are collected from 93 Amazon Mechanical Turk workers with a Master qualification, ensuring highquality. Collected annotations are validated through an additional voting survey, and invalid instructions are replaced with newly collected instructions.


ALFRED -- A Benchmark for Interpreting Grounded Instructions for Everyday Tasks

Data Explorer

Goal Instruction
Step-by-Step Instructions


We follow the same evaluation protocol of the ALFRED benchmark. The primary metric is Success Rate (SR) which measures the percentage of completed tasks. Goal-Condition Success Rate (GC) measures the percentage of achieved goal conditions. Finally, we also measure the penalized SR and GC by the length of the trajectory path (i.e., PLWSR and PLWGC) which indicate how efficiently an agent completes tasks.

For more details, please check out the paper.

Task and Goal-Condition Success Rate


  author    = {Kim, Taewoong and Min, Cheolhong and Kim, Byeonghwi and Kim, Jinyeon and Jeung, Wonje and Choi, Jonghyun},
  title     = {ReALFRED: An Embodied Instruction Following Benchmark in Photo-Realistic Environment},
  booktitle = {ECCV},
  year      = {2024},