
I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence at Vision and Learning Lab at Yonsei Unviersity. I am glad to be advised by Prof. Jonghyun Choi. Before joining this group, I worked at Samsung Electronics as a mechanical engineer after obtaining my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Yonsei University.

My current interest lies on embodied AI, encompassing machine learning, computer vision, and NLP. My long-term vision centers around the seamless integration of artificial intelligence, robotics and mechanical engineering; to solve real-world problems

Research Interest

Embodied AI, computer vision, multi-modal learning


  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, 2022

Work Experience

  • Samsung Electronics, Robot Business team (2022 ~ 2023)
    • Professional, Mechanical engineer
  • Samsung Electronics, Mobile Division (2021 Summer)
    • Summer Internship, Mechanical engineer



  • Multi-Modal Grounded Planning and Efficient Replanning For Learning Embodied Agents with A Few Examples
    데이터 부족 환경에서의 다중 모달 기반 계획 및 효율적인 재계획을 수립하는 에이전트
    Taewoong Kim, Byeonghwi Kim, and Jonghyun Choi
    Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding (IPIU 2024) Link
    [paper] [code]


  • ECLAIR: Event-Cognizant Language Interaction Embodied Robots
    Jinyeon Kim, Byeonghwi Kim, Cheolhong Min, Yuyeong Kim, Taewoong Kim and Jonghyun Choi
    Learning by Asking for Intelligent Robots and Agents (LA4IRA) @ IEEE-ROMAN 2023 Link
    [paper] [code]


  • Generalist Language Grounding Agents Challenge 1st Place
    • Embodied AI Workshop @ CVPR 2023 Link
  • Best Paper Award (우수논문상 은상)

Academic Services

  • Reviewer (RO-MAN’24)